What is Mediation & What Happens During Meditation?

meditation, fresno therapy; fresno counseling; fresno family therapy

Mediation is the process of sitting still calming your breath, mind & body to reconnect with yourself, your higher self, or a higher consciousness.  During meditation a person usually sits still; focuses on their breath and body to tune out all of their thoughts.  As a person averages 40,000-60,000 thoughts a day this process takes time because the mind and the body has to shift through various different brain wave stages.  These different stages are: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Gamma. 

Depending on the purpose of the mediation and/or technique use, many will go through Beta state (conscious and active) to, Alpha (relaxed sleeplike state) or Theta State (deep hypnotic like state).  Once a person transitions into these different stages they will reap the benefits of the meditation as the body and mind is relaxed.  The body now shifts into a parasympathetic state and the mind shifts into alpha or theta state.  During these stages it is possible that a person may operate at a super consciousness state to rid the body of any tension or trauma that is stuck in the body or mind.  There has been studies that shows that new neurons are being created during this deep meditative state while other shows changes in the brain.  

This deep meditative state has tremendous effect as it allows your operating system to reset from all the constant distractions of the world and to be at peace with yourself.  As you reconnect with your inner self you are also calling back all the energy that are being dispel from your outer world into your inner world.  It is like getting yourself a dose of Xanax and it is free!  The chemical that stimulates this process has been found to be the chemical DMT which is usually found in psychedelics.

Snow Lee

Snow Lee is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He works with a diverse group of clientele and has knowledge in spirituality, mindfulness, and meditation. He uses a integrative approach in therapy. 


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