Energy Healing

“Where you keep your attention is where you keep energy” - Joe Dispenza 

ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH Energy Healing School was founded by Ron Lavin, MA in 1996. The schools are located in the US and Germany. The schools teach advanced energy healing techniques and practices and honor all spiritual traditions. Ron Lavin is a renowned healer and gifted psychic and has participated in five “landmark” distant healing studies with the National Institutes of Health and has been featured in the media internationally, including the documentary, THE HEALING FIELD – Exploring Energy & Consciousness. See studies and articles on

What is Energy Healing?

Hands-On Healing is an ancient art form that has been used worldwide for thousands of years. Today, there is a resurgence of interest in Hands-on Healing, along with the entire field of complementary care.  The ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH School, founded in 1996, gets exceptional marks in the quality, depth and breadth of its comprehensive educational training and its adherence to the standards of caring, inherent in this ancient traditional healing art, making it a leader in the field.

There are hundreds of studies demonstrating the effectiveness of energy healing. Ron Lavin, MA, founder of The ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH has participated in five landmark studies with the NIH.  The most common results in these hundreds of studies include: increasing the speed of wound and bone healing, decreasing pain and anxiety, and strengthening the patient’s immune system.


ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH™ energy healing complements all medical and holistic practices.  It is helpful for all types of acute and chronic conditions, since it stimulates and strengthens the immune system and shortens the client’s recovery time, while dramatically decreasing levels of pain and increasing a sense of well-being. 

ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH™ energy healing increases the body’s ability to heal itself, so it can be used effectively for treating numerous conditions, including: AIDS-related opportunistic diseases, asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, bone fractures, cancer, cysts, emphysema, epilepsy, headaches, heart and lung conditions, high blood pressure, infections, rashes, tumors, ulcers, and wounds.ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH™ energy healing increases the body’s ability to heal itself, so it can be used effectively for treating numerous conditions, including: AIDS-related opportunistic diseases, asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, bone fractures, cancer, cysts, emphysema, epilepsy, headaches, heart and lung conditions, high blood pressure, infections, rashes, tumors, ulcers, and wounds.

Besides the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues listed above, it can also provide the following benefits:

·        Pain relief.

·        Improved sense of well-being and quality of life.

·        Reduced stress, anxiety and depression.

·        Balanced and strengthened immune system.

·        Accelerated recovery from surgical procedures.

·        Increased personal growth and self-awareness.

·        Released trauma due to emotional or physical causes.

·        Assistance with spiritual concerns.

·        Improved energy and vitality.

·        Improved ability to face life’s challenges and difficulties.

·        Support for end-of-life issues.

What Makes One Light Healing Touch Unique?

We are living in times of great change. It’s often challenging to stay clear, balanced and grounded. ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH™ is one of the most beautiful and all-encompassing ways to release programming, stress and various chronic-health issues. But most of all, it increases our connection to our indwelling spirit, while opening our heart, creativity and intuition. It helps us to become grounded and balanced, while healing the Body, Mind and Spirit. One Light Healing Touch™ is committed to the evolution of humanity.

Some energy healing techniques, like REIKI and Therapeutic Touch, teach a series of hand-placement methods while radiating healing energy into the client. ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH is unique with its comprehensive depth of Self-Healing Practices and Energy Healing Techniques: 33 advanced Techniques are taught in the Basic Training, and an additional 22 Techniques are taught in the Masters Training. Our Master’s Graduates learn how to give “Master-Healer” Energy Healings.

What Can You Expect From a Healing Session?

I offer my Energy Healing sessions either in person or distant healing.

SESSIONS INCLUDE: Clients are fully clothed and the healer’s hands are placed lightly on or above the client, depending on the client’s wishes.  The healer scans the client for blockages and stress, then connects with high healing energy using a wide range of advanced ONE LIGHT HEALING TOUCH™ healing techniques, and then transmits the restorative healing energy through their hands into the client. After the session, the healer shares insights from the session.  Clients don’t have to believe in energy healing for it to be effective.

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